Sorry I cannot type in Chinese now but I do want to write it down.
Once my little brother asked me how to get good grades on tests?
I said, "Well, you know, just write down the correct answers!"
hmm, it's true, but I think I did not really answer his question. The true answers, however, may be really dull: study hard, have some skills, bla bla bla... My answer is far more creative :p
Once my little brother asked me how to get good grades on tests?
I said, "Well, you know, just write down the correct answers!"
hmm, it's true, but I think I did not really answer his question. The true answers, however, may be really dull: study hard, have some skills, bla bla bla... My answer is far more creative :p
回覆刪除What's this!
回覆刪除阿和只要少睡一點~少打一點電動~他應該就可以得到好成績了吧= =